The After-prom BLAST is …
To keep our kids safe after the senior prom, the PTSA hosts a fabulous overnight event with food, games, music, movies and more. This is not just for parents of seniors. We hope that you will help this year and every year until your son or daughter is a senior. Give us 2 hours or more. The cafe needs help in the weeks before the BLAST as well; watch our page for details starting in October.
Reimbursement & Deposit Forms
Need to be reimbursed for BLAST expenses? Have funds to deposit?
Please download, print and complete the check-request form or the deposit form to submit along with receipts or checks.
What is the BLAST?
The Best and Last of All Senior Times is an HHS & PTSA sponsored event held after the senior prom. When talking to parents and community members we try not to call it a “party.” Google the phrase “prom night tragedy” … that’s why we have a BLAST. It has to be spectacular to be more fun than a 2 a.m. drive to the Poconos or the Jersey shore. Producing a spectacular event year after year takes money and even more volunteers.
The BLAST is open to all seniors, regardless of whether they attend the prom, and any prom guests. As the name implies, it is an opportunity for seniors to celebrate their school years together in a safe, supervised environment.
What do students do at the BLAST?
Kids attending BLAST can choose from:
- live music
- café serving food and drinks to satisfy the late night munchies
- board games, pinball, air hockey, a ride on a mechanical bull, sumo wrestling, and human foosball
- a simulated casino featuring a roulette wheel, poker, and blackjack tables complete with volunteer dealers
- “fortune tellers” who provide entertainment, and perhaps a glimpse into the future?
- crash room (adult supervised), where students can relax under soft lights, watch a movie, or catch some sleep
- cash booth, stocked with real and monopoly money
- prize table where students use monopoly money winnings from the casino to “buy” items including college apparel and gift cards for chain and local businesses
- grand prizes are awarded in random drawings to those present at the end of the BLAST; past prizes include laptops, iPads, digital cameras, gaming systems, and cash
How is the BLAST funded?
The BLAST is largely funded by large and small fundraising efforts all year long. We request a nominal donation from the families of senior students. We receive donations of cash, goods and services from local businesses. We apply for grant money. And we solicit donations during the community walkthrough that precedes the students’ arrival.
BLAST Volunteers Needed:
We need:
Fundraisers for $ and prizes
Casino Dealers
Fortune Tellers
Servers for the Coffee House
Clean-up Crew
BLAST organizers will put any talent to good use. If you’re interested in helping in any way, contact blast@hhsptsa.org.
Can’t give time? Donations always accepted through Pay Pal.