Membership Dues for 2023-24
Join us; stay informed; be involved in some small way, and our high school will be a place where you feel you can be heard and make a difference.
To join us and pay your family’s dues:
Pay online via PayPal or credit card! ($30 + $1 to cover processing fees = $31)
| OR, mail your dues payment to HHS PTSA, 200 Mill Road, Havertown, PA 19083. Checks ($30) should be made payable to HHS PTSA and please write your student’s name(s) and grade(s) on the memo line of your check. |
Also, please, sign up for our email list, which is how we communicate with everyone.
We ask each family for dues of $30 to keep our association and its programs working. Your dues pay for:
- PTSA Education Grants to qualifying seniors to help defray the cost of any post-secondary education
- Staff appreciation luncheon
- The After-prom BLAST
- Other projects to help keep HHS great
The PTSA also provides a valuable communication link between parents and Principal Pete Donaghy. A key reason to attend PTSA meetings is the opportunity to hear news from and discuss issues with the principal. If you are new to HHS, the PTSA offers an excellent way to get to know the school, the principal and other parents. Parents AND students are welcome to attend our meetings and participate in our discussions.
We communicate:
- Via email. Please sign up for our email list.
- Through our website: www.hhsptsa.org.
- With a Facebook group (a closed group for the sake of safety and privacy, but we invite all HHS parents and students to join the Facebook group).
PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. HHS students are welcome and encouraged to attend PTSA meetings.